Month: July 2021

buying car
Cars & Motorcycles

Buying a Car: Models That are Prone to Problems

Not all car models are the same because some have particular weaknesses that lead to problems sooner than other models. If you are planning to buy a car soon, you must keep yourself informed to be able to make a wise choice. Consumer Reports has provided data on these brand models to avoid. Car Models

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Planning Your Next Road Trip

Ever since the hit Hollywood movie Thelma and Louise was released, people in the United States and worldwide have been fascinated with the concept of a road trip. And while the thought of being on the road and living your life to the fullest is certainly enthralling, there are a few pointers to keep in

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travel walking
Cars & Motorcycles

Traveling on the Cheap: Three Ways to Save on Transportation Costs

For travelers looking to stretch their vacation budget, reducing transportation costs is always a priority. After all, transportation is one of the “big three” expenses that any traveler has to deal with, besides food and accommodation. Without a good hold on your travel budget, your travel expenses will increase dramatically. With the wide selection of

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woman smiling
Automotive Industry

Finding a Home Away from Home

Living in one spot for years and years can sound like a dream for some. You’d know who everyone is, and you’d never have the problems of feeling awkward in an unfamiliar community. But if you’d rather move out of your hometown and find a home someplace new, you might want to think twice before

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